Climate Change.

The Africa Carbon Market Inc. conducts Climate Change engagements in adaptation and mitigation measures. These include in areas of

• Regenerative/ Climate Smart agriculture

• Biodiversity

• Renewable energy,

• Energy efficiency,

• Methane mitigation

• Afforestation/ reforestation

• Blue Economy

• Resource recycling


1. Climate Change Research

Africa Carbon Market Inc. conduct and coordinate research in areas of mitigation, adaptation, resilience, biodiversity and climate finance issues covering carbon trading, sectoral resilience and economics, emissions pricing, land economics and as well as policy and regulations for climate change.

2. Consultancy and Training

Africa Carbon Market Inc. carries out technical and business consultancy and training services for individuals and corporate clients in areas of green development and financial beneficiation of low-carbon practices integration.

3. Advocacy

Africa Carbon Market Inc. hosts knowledge and policy sessions and event for the mobilization of expert knowledge and policy support in climate change and low-carbon activities.